DVAM 2022: Living into Our Values and Cultivating Joy

Call for Unity


“Cultivating joy, always a clear path towards liberation.” – Patty Branco, NRCDV

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and beyond, we are committed to promoting the alignment of our values with our actions as we navigate intersecting realities, grounded in our shared commitment to no survivor justice without racial justice. In order to end domestic violence and create safe and thriving communities for all, we must dismantle anti-Blackness and center humanity, wellness, joy, and connectedness for advocates, survivors, and all who work alongside us towards collective liberation.


SAAM 2022: Leading with the HERstory: Without Black Women There Is No Movement

Black women have a long, rich history of leading and organizing against violence and oppression


Even before its official declaration, Sexual Assault Awareness Month was about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. From the civil rights movement to the founding of the first rape crisis centers to national legislation and beyond, the roots of SAAM run deep. From then until now, Black women have been and remain the leaders of the movement to end gender-based violence. Without Black women there is no movement.

Centering Connection for Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month 2022

#1Thing #UnaCosa


This February, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) is lifting up key resources that “Center Connection” by building meaningful relationships with youth across multiple identities and lived experiences. We are highlighting advocates, programs, initiatives, and campaigns that center Black youth and honor their wisdom and leadership.


Turning Up the Heat for DVAM 2021: No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice

No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice

Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is right around the corner, and for #DVAM2021 we are turning up the heat on our call to action from last year, No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice. This October and beyond, the Domestic Violence Awareness Project calls on the domestic violence movement to center, celebrate, and follow the leadership of Black survivors, leaders, advocates, and frontline workers.


Prioritizing Community Care for Mental Health Awareness Month

"It's not really about what you can't do. It's about what you can still do. it's about how you can help the other people in your life."


For many, the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism and other traumas are taking a heavy toll on mental wellness and health. Isolation, collective trauma, and increased stress abound.

As we work to dismantle white supremacy and other systems that create and maintain violence, we must invest in efforts to promote healing justice and community care. This Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s take action to ensure that everyone has the care and community support they need to thrive.


SAAM 2021: Uplifting Black Healing and Well-Being in Online Spaces

two women with a laptop


This Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence is supporting the National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s call to build online spaces that foster healthy relationships, connectedness, and healing. This year’s campaign explores how we can work together to prevent sexual violence and build the world we want to live in by promoting a culture of consent, keeping kids safe online, and building healthy online communities.


Why Young Black Leaders Aren’t Only our Future, but Also our Now

Joy, Pride & Passion of Youth Activism


This country owes the innovation, wisdom, and passion of young Black leaders who go unnoticed and unnamed in mainstream history books. February boasts both Black History Month and Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. These months are not only for making clear the intersections between violence prevention, Black history, and safety but also for looking toward leaders creating safe and brave spaces and dismantling white supremacy — Black youth leaders.


Centering Youth at the Intersections of Homelessness and Gender-Based Violence for Teen DV Month 2021

street with city skyline in the distance


“It’s like they give you enough time to get yourself halfway out of the position you’re in, and then they just let you go.” – Youth, King County Youth of Color Needs Assessment

This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), we’re centering the unique needs of runaway and homeless youth (RHY) experiencing relationship violence, particularly Black and Trans youth living at the intersections of multiple forms of oppression.