The Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP) developed a unified message around #1Thing. Change can start with only #1Thing. One person’s actions may seem insignificant, but together a communities' collective “#1Things” can lead to real social transformation.
Below you will find a comprehensive action guide for implementing this powerful message in your local community. The #1Thing Action Guide includes templates, recommendations, strategies, and tools for incorporating this message into your public awareness activities and campaigns during DVAM, and beyond. These tools and resources were developed to support your efforts to spread the word in your community.
- The #1Thing that will end domestic violence is our collective power.
- Healing from domestic violence requires our collective One Things.
- We can all do #1Thing towards eradicating domestic violence.
- Sharing our stories can have a ripple effect and can inspire others to action.
- Our collective One Things are valuable for systems advocacy.
- #1Thing offers the community tangible ways to get involved in the effort to end domestic violence.

#1Thing Action Guide
Download the full #1Thing Action guide and related resources. Related resources include:
- #Thing Action Guide
- #1Thing Community Pledge
- #1Thing Sample Social Media Posts
- #1Thing Printout
- #1Thing press release template
- Supporting Older Survivors of Abuse Action Guide Supplemental
- #1Thing Sample Social Media Posts: Supporting Older Survivors
- #UnaCosa Sample Social Media Posts (Spanish)
- #UnaCosa Community Pledge (Spanish)
- #UnaCosa Printout (Spanish)
- #UnaCosa Crafting Your Message (Spanish)
- #UnaCosa Training Group Activity (Spanish)

Universal Prayers
Marketing materials
The following materials and graphics have been developed to assist in the visual messaging of #1Thing.
#1Thing Logos

Right click & save image

Downloadable & Sharable Images

#1Thing Videos
View a variety of videos created as part of the #1Thing messaging campaign.
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Social Media Materials
#Una Cosa & #1Thing social media materials from Casa de Esperanza
#1Thing sample social media posts (English)
#UnaCosa sample social media posts (Spanish)
Supporting Older Survivors of Abuse Sample Social Media posts (English)
Social Media Cards

#1Thing Facebook frame