TDVAM 2025The CDC's 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that among U.S. high school students who reported dating during the 12 months before the survey, about 1 in 12 experienced physical dating violence and about 1 in 12 experienced sexual dating violence. 

For Teen Dating Violence & Prevention Month (TDVAM) 2025, we are excited to uplift love is respect’s theme for TDVAM, “Respect That.” The love is respect Youth Council defines respect as both an action and a mindset; it’s about “treating partners with dignity, listening to their viewpoints, respecting their boundaries, and valuing their autonomy.” Practicing respect as an action can transform relationships and end dating abuse before it happens. Check out our blog post for TDVAM 2025 to learn more!

When we work together and each do #1Thing to prevent youth relationship violence and foster healthy relationships and communities, real social change is possible.

#TDVAM graphics from past years can be found on the #1Thing campaign page.