February is TDVAMJANUARY 22, 2025

By Casey Keene, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month (TDVAM). For 2025, we are holding the connections between awareness and prevention by exploring the common threads of respect – both for those we are in relationship with, and for ourselves.

At the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), we honor respect for humanity as a core value and a critical pathway towards achieving peace and wellness for our communities. Respect for humanity means recognizing the intrinsic value and dignity of every individual, and advocating for their rights, freedoms, and well-being.

This year, we celebrate and uplift love is respect’s theme for TDVAM, “Respect That.” The love is respect Youth Council defines respect as both an action and a mindset; it’s about “treating partners with dignity, listening to their viewpoints, respecting their boundaries, and valuing their autonomy.” Practicing respect as an action can transform relationships and end dating abuse before it happens.

And as deserving as our partners are of respect, so are each of us. Our experiences matter, including our experiences of trauma. These experiences are part of what makes us human. That’s why, in the spirit of respect for our humanity, NRCDV invites all of us to embrace, value, and celebrate our shared stories of survivorship.

Each of us deserves to be seen and valued in our full humanity. Join us this February as we explore what it means to respect each other and ourselves.

Want to learn more? We’re excited about the following events and resources for TDVAM 2025:

Events from love is respect: Check out love is respect’s calendar of events for TDVAM 2025, including 2 webinars:

Respect Week: Join us for Respect Week, taking place February 10-14. Let us celebrate and encourage healthy relationships together during TDVAM. Unite with teens and young adults as we share creative and empowering messages about dating violence and building strong connections!

Wear Orange Day: Join activists nationwide on Tuesday, February 11, in proudly sharing a photo of yourself in orange to help raise awareness for TDVAM.

To learn more about TDVAM and discover more valuable resources to support healthy relationships, visit the love is respect website.